Thursday, December 31, 2009

As the year draws to a close...

It's New Year's eve and what a year it has been!  We bought a house, the boys started a new school, we then decided to homeschool, Tom started working at a new hospital, we had some friends come and go, we grew closer as a family, Rita moved out here from Florida, we survived a blizzard, my sister had a baby, my other sister got pregnant (due at the end of January), and so many other smaller things that mean so much.  Oh, and I turned 30!  I forgot about that until I was looking through the pics.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's eve.  Here are a few pictures from our year.

Jacob's snickers pie (I forgot to take a picture of his other cake)

1 comment:

Julie Smith said...

What a wonderful close to the year. It's amazing how many things happen in a year when you stop to think about it! Have a wonderful New Year!