Friday, August 28, 2009

The boys...

They are growing so big. They are so smart and we are really enjoying homeschooling. Well, I am enjoying homeschooling, they don't seem to appreciate anything the includes the word "school". They are doing well, nonetheless.

We have also been enjoying some time out on the trails. It is fun to get out in nature and enjoy all of God's gifts around us.
Justin has started losing teeth and has lost his bottom two front ones. He is excited to finally have the Tooth Fairy coming to visit and can't wait until he loses the top two because he knows they are worth the most money. He is really coming out of his shell. I don't know what to attribute it to, but I hope it has something to do with his growing amount of comfort and self-confidence in who he is. Maybe it even has something to do with spending more time with ME! A mother can dream. He loves to ride his bike and play with his friends and will do so for hours on end out in front of our house. He is a homebody and would be happy to never leave the house as long as the food keeps magically appearing! He is happy and brings such joy to my heart.
Jacob is quite a character. His imagination is out of this world. Sometimes he has so much to say that he can't get it out fast enough and his words get all jumbled. I have to get him to stop and slow down, but I can just see the excitement in his eyes and face and he can't wait to share his grand idea with me. He is a lover. He cares so much for everyone and their feelings. I get tons of hugs and kisses from him and he is just content sitting and being with someone and the warmness of his heart makes you radiate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your pics! And I like reading about the boys personalities :)