Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's that time of year again...

Time to get the homeschool stuff in order.  I have been busy filling out my planner, looking at field trip ideas, and submitting my Notice of Intent form to the school district.  This year, the district is also requiring a Student Residency Questionnaire to be completed and submitted, in which it asks questions such as 'Where is the student living? *In a shelter; *In a motel, car or campsite, *With friends or family members due to the loss of housing or financial hardships, *Not living with parent or legal guardian, or *Choices do not apply'.  The accompanying letter states that it is part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.  I am a rule-follower mostly and want to make sure I have no issues with my choice to homeschool, but really, what business is it of theirs, especially since my children are not attending their schools, I only have to report to them.

But back to the business at hand...I recently came across a wonderful site to make connections with other homeschoolers in our area (  Until now, I did not know of how to get out there and meet others.  I tried to get in touch with our local Homeschool Chapter, but after a couple of emails and no response, I gave up.  This group has frequent get-togethers at the park, Teachers Night Off gatherings for the moms to visit, and various field trips that we can be a part of.  It will be great for the kids to get to know others that are being homeschooled and just get out and meet new people.  Good for me, as well.

I chose to use the Sonlight curriculum this year and I feel a lot better about it than I did with the previous curriculum.  Sonlight is mainly reading, phonics and language arts, so we have some filling in to do with other resources.  The boys will be part of a co-op (that meets in our community, whoo-hoo!) that will teach them science and Spanish two days a week for three hours a day.  I'm very stoked about this because they will be in separate classes which will give them some time apart, and it will give me a break...2 for 1!...or 3 for 1!...or something like that!  Of course, once the baby arrives, 'break' may not be the right word.  Luckily, Tom will be able to take them (at 7:30am!) and I will just need to pick the little boogers up (at 10:30a).  We're not really morning people, so beginning next week we will all be practicing 'early to bed, early to rise'.  Should be very interesting...

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