Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm so excited, uh-huh, uh-huh, I just can't hide it...

You know, you know - oh, I'll stop now.

Anyhoo, I'm back on the blog.  Very excited to have a working computer again.  And Internet.  While the computer wasn't working, we put our Internet on hold.  It was nice to have at least a month of reduced charges on the bill, but it is much nicer having the Internet.

I haven't been working on as much as I had hoped.  I was having some shoulder issues and had to get an MRI.  Come to find out I have a torn biceps tendon and partially torn cartilage deep down in the middle of my shoulder joint.  The doctor gave me a cortisone shot and that has seemed to help.  I still can't carry anything very heavy with my right arm, or hold it in one position for a long time, or reach out to the side very quickly, but I am dealing.  The funny/not so funny thing is that Tom has injured his right shoulder as well.  He has a partially torn labrum and partially torn rotator cuff.  He is still in much more pain than I am, but he has not been able to get the cortisone shot yet.  He has a very hard time sleeping at night, which is making his days longer.

Here are a couple pics of the things I have done:

These are a couple of shopping bags I have made.  The one on the right is the Broadturn Bag from Handmade Home.  The one on the left was one I made from a Trader Joe's bag that I already have.  I just looked at it and made cuts without really measuring anything.  It is very big, but I think it will work great for the farmer's market.

Here are pictures of the curtains I made for our bedroom.  Taking a picture of a window is extremely difficult, I tell ya.

Ignore the bag of chips in this one, I was sick yesterday and chips were the only thing that sounded good to eat.

Another thing we have started is Sunday dinner.  I would love to say that we sit down every night together and have supper, but that just isn't the case.  One of my favorite parts of my family growing up was that we sat down at the table to eat together 6 nights a week.  We may not have eaten until 8 or 9 at night, but we ate together.  Since Tom works so much and he works 12-hour shifts, he doesn't usually get home until 10-11pm.  However, he is usually home on Sundays.  We set the table, we use the silver, and we make a day of eating and being together.  I have really enjoyed it!

Strawberry Shortcake in progress.

The kids have really gotten into it as well.  Bubbie, my youngest, is a homebody.  There is nothing wrong with this, except when I need to go to the store.  He always says, "But can't you just use something you have here?"  Except last week, when I needed to go find some pancetta, he asked what we needed it for and I said, "For Sunday dinner."  He said, "Oh, okay, let's go."  I didn't want to question it, but I can only guess that he is enjoying that special time as much as I am.  I don't usually make a dessert, but have been on Sunday.  The most recent have been Strawberry Shortcake, "Special" Brownies (I'll explain in a minute), and Blackberry Shortbread Squares.

Okay, when I told my hubby I was making "Special" Brownies, he looked at me like I was on something "special".  I was given the recipe by a lady named Jennifer that I used to work with.  I can't find the recipe right now, but it includes chocolate cake mix, sweetened condensed milk, and semi-sweet chocolate chips.  It is very good and very special.

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